Thursday, December 4, 2008

Everyone Loves Updates

Hi guys! Nothing new and exciting happened this month in the way of anything whatsoever. Classes end next week so I need to finish final projects. One is a 3d animated short and another is for a business class which ranged in projects to choose from. My girlfriend and I are working together and are going to do a promotional package for Cosmic Chase, so you guys will see some artwork of hers soon.

Other than that, I might have to work over the holidays. Let's shoot for Christmas 2009 release, k?


Andrew said...

I hope that last part is a joke...

Metalmacher said...

I second that...

Unknown said...

He has a right to set his own release times. Don't badger him about it.

... But it was a joke right?

Anonymous said...

Patience is a virtue, people...

I'd be fine with Christmas '09. With all that animation, I wouldn't be surprised if it was delayed until summer 2010. Good luck with this.