Sunday, October 18, 2009

Forget and Not Slow Down

I finished cleanup on all shots last night. Next up is color. I try to work on it a few hours during the week before bed, but little by little it's getting done.


Unknown said...

Nice to see an update! Glad things are coming along.

nate said...

So in its entirety - how much of the project is done? I'm not asking for an exact estimate or anything, just your own personal/generalized take on how much has been completed - 50%, 75%, etc.

Jeff said...


I'd say the entire movie is 90% complete. Once Act 3 is polished up it'll be 99.9%.

Unknown said...

Hi, I know you probably get a lot of these, and I'm sorry if I'm bothering you (:P) but since you have 90% completed, when do you think the final project will be released on Newgrounds? - Middle of November, end of December, etc.


Jeff said...


It'll be released when it's ready :)

jfrigmissakeely said...

thanks :)

*this is dancermars account lol*

Hello Kitty said...

I cant wait, this will be an awesome sequel