Saturday, November 21, 2009

Here's Your Monthly CC Post

The shading outlines are all in for 99% of the shots in Act 3. The other 1% need special attention that will come later. So remaining work that needs to be done is as follows: color > backgrounds > movie overhaul.

I've been working on CC a few hours a week usually while I'm waiting to leave for class or something of that sort. Little by little, the minutes and hours add up to something substantial.


Tariq Ibrahim said...

So basically you should be done by Christmas maybe mid January being the latest?

Jeff said...

Can't say for sure, but it's right around the corner.

Tariq Ibrahim said...

ok thanks. Im sure it will be worth the wait no matter how long it takes

Unknown said...

I've been keeping track of this blog for a long time. Can't wait to see an online sonic movie that will rival Chakra-X's nazo unleashed on newgrounds. Hope to see your movie soon. :)

jfrigmissakeely said...

I have a question. Does this flash have voices/voice acting in it? I don't mind if it does or doesn't I just want to know. ;)