Monday, December 29, 2008

Paralysis of Analysis

I had to come into work today to finish up a few projects before the new year arrives. We had a lengthy meeting about the year in review and upcoming opportunities and the like. We briefly talked about something that has been a crux of companies and projects. It's called "Paralysis of Analysis" and is self explanatory: something gets analyzed over and over and over so much to where nothing ever comes of it. It goes along the lines of "less talk more work"...I think you all know where I'm going with this. Cosmic Chase has been analyzed over and over by me and I know what needs to get done and how to do it, but I don't put in the hours like I once did.

That's my end of the year analytical rant. Have a Happy New Year and let's hope and pray 2009 is the year of the release.


Anonymous said...

It'll come out the same year we launch space colonies that will orbit the Earth

Anonymous said...

I, for one, understand. I don't mind waiting. Good luck, and don't give up! =)

Unknown said...

At least it will probably be released before the Halo movie. (2012) Coriff, exadrated much?

Anonymous said...

First off, exadrated isn't even a word. Second, what?

Unknown said...

Sorry. I'm saying it will be out before the year 2012 (Two-thousand and twelve)which is when the Halo movie is goning to be released.

And can't a guy make a spelling mistake?

Anonymous said...

That's cool. I still don't know what word you were trying to get at, though. It should be out this year provided another WoW expansion doesn't come out.