Sunday, May 17, 2009

New Location

Not a big issue but I decided to move the blog off of my server back to blogspot because there are more features when hosting with blogspot vs. your own server. Make sure to update your RSS feeds!

I've talked with Ido this past week and he basically rewrote Act 3 and it's even better than before. Storyboarding and pre-production has been started on it and will continue before any animation is done.


Unknown said...

Just something I'm confused on, is Act 1 finished? If so, why hasn't it been released yet?

Jeff said...

Act 1 and 2 are both finished but need further editing. Can't release the movie half done :P

Chris Houghton said...

Hey Jeff! Nice seeing you at the con. And thanks for the kind words!

Also, really FUN Sonic stuff on your site! Best of luck dude!

Unknown said...

Fair enough, mate. Still, waiting is killing me!

Metalmacher said...

Waitwaitwait! How many acts are there, exactly?

Jeff said...

There are 3 acts total.