Wednesday, August 18, 2010

School Work

Since the weight of Cosmic Chase has been lifted, I've been focusing on character design and storyboarding my new film. It's something I've never done before as I try to push and challenge myself with each new project. It's been in the works since May and since then a draft of the script has been written. I'm excited about it. It's titled "Robiety".

Robiety is a story driven tale about a robotic society and the struggle of one robot to rebel against the corporation and discover happiness. This is a more mature film geared towards the older crowd, containing various intertwining themes and symbolism which is left up to the viewer to interpret. It's an open-ended story and you can take what you want from it.

I've been studying and looking up different types of robots over the last month to solidify characters. So far I've got the main character and villain along with a few extras. It'll be a heavily stylized film and contain minimal action as it will focus on acting and emotion.

Robiety will be completed in April 2011. I'll be posting more on production as I do it throughout the year.

And now for something different. Here's some stuff I worked on last semester.

Monster O's from Jeff Yandura on Vimeo.

2010 Work Reel from Jeff Yandura on Vimeo.

Hope you guys like!

Monday, August 9, 2010

The Wait is Over

Sonic X: Cosmic Chase is out now! Never thought this day would come, huh?

Go watch it and enjoy!

Sunday, August 8, 2010

This is it

Tomorrow Sonic X: Cosmic Chase will release during the afternoon around 3pm EST.

One more day. I think you guys can handle the wait. I've trained you good.

Sunday, August 1, 2010

Cosmic Chase Testing is Complete

After hours upon hours of beta testing the movie in different browsers, computers, versions, I've come to the conclusion that the latest flash player version, v10.1.53.64, sucks. It has been the constant factor that has given me problems while viewing the movie. When viewing the movie using this version, it will randomly drop or skip frames making the animation appear choppy or slow. Sure, if you have a slow computer to begin with you may not be concerned with this issue, but for those of us with powerful PCs, this abnormality seems out of place.

For the untrained eye it might not be a big deal, but I know every frame of this movie and when I don't see one, I find out why. There are a few fixes for this if you experience issues and you want to watch Cosmic Chase without a problem.

NOTE: These fixes only apply to flash player v10.1.53.64. All other players I've tested turned out just fine. To find out your flash version, click here.

  1. There is a built in navigational system in the movie. Once it begins, hover your cursor over the bottom of the movie to bring it up. Usually clicking on the emerald will readjust the movie and the frame skipping will go away temporarily.

  2. Downgrade your flash player. From what I can see, the next one down, v10.0.45.2, is your best bet. It's the one I'm currently running and the movie works as intended. To do this, simply visit Archived Flash Player Versions and scroll down and download the flash player 10 archive zip. Inside that you'll find all the releases and simply install the /10r45_2/flashplayer10r45_2_win.exe.

Rigorous Beta Testing

So if you follow those directions if you have any problems, you should be fine. I managed to squeeze the file size down to 9.84 MB so we're still on schedule for the release.